My Story....

What can I do for you?

 Like many other educators, I found myself thrown in the race to incorporate technology into the classroom.  I was lost, behind and increasingly more frustrated but I rolled up my sleeves and embraced the new technologies.  At first it was a struggle, but as I progressed, I learned that using technology in the classroom is possible. And, with methods I’ve developed it can be done simply, easily and effectively.

As an educator and trainer  for over 18 years, I have personally witnessed the dramatic shift in education from a static classroom to one that is rich in technology. Technology can improve learning and has many benefits.  

  • Engages students and creates active learners
  • Encourages individual learning growth
  • Facilitates peer collaboration
  • Prepares students for the real world
  • Creates more engaged and successful teachers

In today’s world we need to create 21st century classrooms to prepare our students to be successful in the real world. Using technology, however, can be challenging and hold many back.  These include…

  • Fear of technology
  • Fear of the unknowns with new technologies
  • Lack of sufficient training opportunities
  • Lack of technology support


I’d love for you to jump past the struggles and start using technology in your own classroom.  Download my “Technology in the classroom cheat sheet” to get the top 15 technology tools for 2020 you can use in your school today.